I think we got some really good reactions at times. I tried to say "Howdy!" to almost every person that walked by and made eye contact. A couple people said hello or hi, some ignored me, some laughed. The one man stated "I hope this is for a fundraiser", I thought that was pretty funny.
The best reaction was probably the dog. Jessica was mooing as we were walking and this dog was not having it and started to try and sniff her and when she mooed at him, he immediately started barking. I was having a lot of trouble with not laughing.
My three favorite performance artists are probably bands: The Script, Coldplay, and OneRepublic. I have seen two out of the three perform live (The Script and OneRepublic) and they are some of my favorite people to watch. They are all somewhat similar because they are in the same genre of music and do not necessarily sound the same, but all have the same sort of vibes. Technology is very essential in their work as they are producing music and being in the genre of "pop rock", some of the music is produced not only by instruments, but other technologies as well. Even for concerts, they are using technology for almost everything: music, lights, sound, etc. In their field of performing arts, they are singers, which they often do in front of live audiences (concerts).