Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Xerox Project | 11.14.17

This project was definitely an interesting one to do to say the least. Scanning and printing parts of my body, my face and hands to be exact, was weird to do. However, this project really made me think in a different way.

I used the Dada movement as my inspiration for this piece. The randomness and scattered elements of Dada are what I went for. While it is scattered and random, there is of course a method to the madness.

As you can see, my face is the middle of the poster with a hand covering the mouth and all different kinds of hand gestures forming around the center (my face). These are to resemble the chaos, stress, and busy times that comes with being a college student. There is always so much going on, so much to do, too many places to be at once, that we don't always get to say what we are feeling. The hand gestures resemble different things that could be going on. For example, the middle finger could be something I'm angry about in the moment, the #1 finger could be resembling me doing good in a class, or the peace sign could represent the fun times and friends. All of it is up for interpretation by the viewer of course, but overall it is supposed to represent the chaotic life of a college student. It ended up being 2x3 feet. 

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Video Art Project | 12.12.17

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